Share Accounts
When you save with us you are building a history which will be taken into account in the future should you wish to apply for a loan.
The money you save with us is used by the credit union to fund the loans it makes to members. By saving with us you are indirectly helping your neighbours and the community to develop.
Please note that we have a members savings cap of £15,000 which includes up to £5,000 EasyShares (these amounts are subject to change). We would also like to advise that savings are now capped at £500 per month (Shares & EasyShares). These figures are kept under review by the Board of Directors.
You can withdraw your savings provided they are not pledged as security on a loan. However, you are encouraged to keep your savings intact, so that:
- They continue to earn a dividend.
- They continue to benefit from the Life Savings Insurance Protection (Terms & Conditions apply).